
Advantage of Using Relay on April's Fool Day

A transcript of my April's Fool prank on my mom (and unexpectedly, my dad too). The Sprint Relay operator is a male so my parents were thinking it was a male calling them for whatever reason when in reality I was the one typing every thing for the operator to say to them (Operator's role was to interpret).

Relay terms:
Ga - Go Ahead
SK - Hang up


(Me): Please do not use the Sprint Relay introduction.
(Operator): SPRINT IP XXXXM DIALING XXX-XXX-XXXX RINGING 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ...
(F) Hello? ga
(Operator): hold a moment please.
(F) no i won't hold a moment, who's this?
(Operator): hold a moment.
(F) no i won't hold a moment, it's already past my bedtime!
***The operator had to tell my mom to hold on as I typed which took a minute***
(Me): Hello, is this (Mother's name)? (F interrupting): you tell me who this is! (Me continuing): This is Officer (Fake name) with Connecticut State Trooper. I just have pulled over your daughter, and she doesn't have the car registration with her. She is saying that your husband may have the paperwork of the car registration, ma'am ga
(F): okay just a minute please ...
***My mom passed the phone over to my dad, then she went back in the living room where she was chatting with my younger brother. She was freaking out about her attitude (the call occurred late at night) which she thought for sure that the "Officer" would give me a speeding ticket.***
(M) hello? ga
(Me): Hello is this (Father's name)? I am Officer (Fake name) with CT State Trooper. I just pulled over your daughter for speeding and she doesn't have the registration on her which I believe you may have the vehicle registration paperwork? ga
(M): yes .. ga
(Me): April's fool, it's Kelly using Sprint Relay ga
(M): (laughing) thats a good one kel ga
(Me): Thought so, good night love you both bye ga to sk
(M): love you goodbye (PERSON HUNG UP)
(Operator): i will need to take a 5 minutes break to stop laughing (smile) SK SK


Hope your April's Fool Day was funny too!