"You can't break my back and you can't keep me down cause I believe that freedom will keep me standing tall" 9/11/01
Today is September 11th, 2011 - 10 years later from the attacks in NYC, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania. It is unbelievable how 10 years have already passed.
On this day 10 years ago, I remember that I was in 7th grade in middle school. I was suppose to have speech therapy. I had been in the room to start speech but shortly after the first plane hit the first tower - my speech therapy teacher took me to a study hall class down the hall which had a television. I sat in front row watching the TV - I remember that moment witnessing the 2nd plane hitting the tower. I'll never forget that moment. There were too many shock from the people in the room, even the news media crew who were filming it. You know how news are usually scripted or at least prepared? That was first time I didn't see news being prepared. They were expressing whatever was on their thoughts which made it scary. I knew something was up, but I still didn't completely understand what was going on.
Around late morning, my dad came to the school to take me home. I was excited to miss half day of school despite the situation. I got home with my Dad, we sat in the living room with TV on again. I still didn't get it and I was getting frustrated. I started to think this was nothing. It seemed too unrealistic to really be happening too. It seemed like it belonged in a movie. I questioned my dad what was going on. He explained about the terrorists. I still didn't get it because I never imagine that anyone could be that cold heart to do this. I still learned more over the time & had a better understanding of what had occurred on 9/11.
The day after 9/11 was even more sadder when they publish all the pictures behind the scenes. The media also was showing news crew walking around the affected areas, showing the realistic of it. I'll never forget seeing so many pictures, seeing the aftermath via news, & hearing stories of people who lost their loved ones. Many people went missing, I remember a huge site was created with family members leaving pictures of people who had been missing. I couldn't imagine having a family member to be involved to not come home at the end of the day. It was so surreal. I realized that our country forever was changed that day from the attacks.
I remember that people started to appreciate their loved ones in their lives after 9/11 because it had made many people realize that they never can know when they will lose their loved ones. I feel that the country around that time got very close, and more together like an unit. Many emergency personnel came from all over the country to these attacked sites to help clean up & look for the missing. That showed a huge bond when we all came together to help. For a while after 9/11, the country shared a bond where we remained together standing together and loving each other even more.
10 years later, many changes have been made in the country because of the attacks. Airports aren't the same. More security are present everywhere. It's not the same to be able to bring certain items to certain places. 9/11 have made us paranoid, but it is good in a way to prevent any more attacks. While it's been 10 years - I feel that the bond had fell overtime but in our hearts we still hold onto the day of 9/11/01. These people who experienced that day will forever remember it. We did became stronger because of it & forever will be.
A special thank you to all emergency personnel who ran in while everyone else were running away. A special thank you to all emergency personnel who traveled to NYC, Washington D.C., and PA to help out. You all are forever heroes.
9/11/01 <3